Troop 375 & 8375
Our Troop 375 has a long history of scouting, experienced leaders and a great record of Eagle Scout recipients. In 2018 we welcomed a new Girl Troop 8375 as part of our Troop!
Troop 375 has produced 58 Eagle Scouts since 1995. Our goal is to guide and help each Scout to grow into an upstanding citizen and leader and to achieve their highest rank – The Eagle Scout.
Our Troop Leaders
​Troop 375 is blessed with several exceptional adult leaders:
Scoutmaster Frank is an expert outdoorsman, hiker, white water rafter and hunter. Both of his boys completed their Eagle Scout through our troop.
Assistant Scoutmaster Michael is a recent Eagle recipient in the Troop and now serves as an adult Scout leader. His leadership experience is well respected and accompanies the Scouts to most of the camping trips.
Assistant Scoutmaster Paul is a natural inspiration to our Scouts, and outdoorsman as well. He can build anything, can sharpen an axe that can split a human hair, and seems to have that sixth sense to know what the Scouts are thinking before they do.

Our Support

Troop 375 is chartered by Saint Francis Assisi Catholic Church.
We are blessed to have the generous support and encouragement from the Saint Francis congregation. Like all troops, youth of every denomination are welcome and invited to join Troop 375. Being Catholic or being a member of the Saint Francis congregation is not a requirement for joining our troop. Ken is our church representative on the committee.
Scouting is an outdoor program designed to develop character, citizenship, and fitness for young people ages 11 through 17. Through the advancement program and peer group leadership, Scouting helps a person develop into a well-rounded young adult.
The Eagle Scout Award, the highest rank in Scouting, is recognized around the world as a mark of excellence. In the Chief Seattle Council, Scouts may look forward to Scout Camping opportunities and many other District Activities. In Scouts, youth take responsibility for the activities of the troop. By planning and organizing activities, they develop teamwork and learn to lead as well as follow.