Five Principles

Our Troop 375 activities center around five principles:

1. Safety is our priority in every Troop activity

Our adults are well trained and will do everything in our power to keep your child safe. It is not possible to remove all risk from outdoor events or activities, but as parents ourselves, we do make every decision with your child’s safety in mind.

2. We emphasize helping your Scout to “Be Prepared” for Life

As the Scout Motto reminds us, me must “Be Prepared” in everything we do. It will make our lives more fulfilling, safer and more successful. You Scout will hear a lot about being prepared while involved in our troop.

3. We stress the 12 Points of the Scout Law and their application in Adulthood

A Scout must follow the 12 points of the Scout Law; Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. We stress the importance of these traits throughout life.

4. We emphasize the profound beauty and importance of our Natural World

If any kids can save this planet, our kids can. We help them understand what a gift this planet is for the next generation, and their role in understanding it and protecting it.

5. We emphasize Community Service

Our Scouts understand that we each have a responsibility to be of service to others throughout our lives. Our Scouts learn the value of service and the importance of working together to help make a better world for everyone.